Lanie and Chris's Wedding Blog

Flintstone, Party of 2…
August 19, 2009, 8:20 pm
Filed under: This and That

I waited on that guy from HBO’s “Hung” the other night.  He was sitting with a Girl Arquette.  They were very pleasant until the end of the meal when he decided to take off his shoes at the table and put his feet in her lap.   This guy’s feet were black.  Like parking lot black.  In the South we call it “Jiffy Feet,” as in “You don’t need no shoes!  You’re jist runnin’ into the Jiffy Mart to buy yer momma some Virginia Slims Super Slim Menthols” black.  I think being barefoot must be his carefully cultivated trademark actor quirk because when they left the restaurant he left his shoes under the table and my boss had to chase him down to return them.

A little note to my reader(s)….when searching Google Images for a picture of him, it’s a good idea to type, “HBO’s Hung” and not just “Hung”……very different results.


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as usual,entertainment at its finest!!!! by the way,Thomas Jane played Mickey Mantle in the movie *61—-he was wearing cleats most of the time!

Comment by les perkel

oh lord this is priceless! We also call the grocery store feet! lol killin me!! I thought I was the only one around here that got that!LAst weekend after a LONG night of drinking in my really high boots I HAD to take them off before we stopped @ the waffle house for some sober me up hashbrowns and I wakled all over in my socks, I woke up at 2 the next day only to find my boy laughing @ me… wondering why my feet were his objet of humor i look down to find they were more than black, and I had slept/passed out like that eewwwww! lol

Comment by Kristy

oh lord i forgot spell check! sorry

Comment by Kristy

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